'Mind Fucked' an autobiography of every single human written by petrol.

The excitement of riding scooter for the first time is something one can not forget for various reasons. The first time you accelerate, slowly start moving balancing yourself with few wobbles, pick up speed bit by bit and then you float in the air, you can not stop smiling till the time you realise that you have to apply breaks while turning and you slip and fall and still keep accelerating. Although it was traumatic experience for me, didn't stop me from riding again. Just the thought of not paddling and still moving (being the lazy person I am) was more exciting than anything. I got my first scooter at the age of 18. For every small thing, right from bringing groceries to going to tuition classes I was riding but it didn't take too long for me to realise that my pocket money was not enough for such luxuries. hashtag #Petrol was Rs 40/litre at that time but still it was a big expense as a student. PP (petrol partner) was a trending phenomenon (for me the necessity) of that time. But as I think of the situation now, even though I am earning and don't have to think or calculate before filling petrol or booking a cab, it is not very different from then. PP has changed to Ola share or Uber pool and still commuting creates a big hole in the pocket. Petrol prices have almost doubled. A slight increase in crude oil price is directly proportional to everything around us. The joy of riding a scooter or bike comes with an expense and joys are becoming expensive by the day. Mind fucked by petrol.